X3 Albion Prelude Missions

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X3 Albion Prelude Missions Average ratng: 4,0/5 7746 reviews
Dillpickle's Mission Director Collection for Albion Prelude
All my Mission Director stuff for Albion Prelude, preserved for posterity.

Albion Prelude Plot (Page 1 of 8) Introduction The Albion Prelude Plot is a new story found Albion Prelude. The plot is available immediately for the Argon Peacekeeper start, however is enabled for the following start postions: Argon Peacekeeper, Humble Merchant, Bankrupt Assassin, Tormented Teladi, Poisoned Paranid, Goner Witness, Unholy Traitor.

Please refer to the relevant linked thread for full details and installation instructions.
It is highly unlikely there will be any updates to these, as I haven't played X3TC for over two years.
All Plots Complete - Albion Prelude / Enable Hub and PHQ Plots for Terran Start - all_plots_complete_ap_1.0
This is for Albion Prelude only, if used in TC it may make a mess of your universe.
Within seconds after starting a new game or loading a save after installation, a message will pop up asking if you want to set the plots as complete.
There are two options, the first will set all the plots as complete.
The second will cancel the cue allowing you to play the plots normally. If you started as The Terran Commander, then this will allow you to play the Hub and PHQ plots without the need to complete the Albion Prelude Plot, all other start requirements will need to be met.
Forum topic for installation and use instructions - All Plots Complete - Albion Prelude / Enable Hub and PHQ Plots for Terran Start
Terran Conflict plots 2.2a for Albion Prelude 3.1
This is for Albion Prelude only, Terran Conflict already has these plots... :P
Will require a New Game for changes to the Galaxy Map to take effect.

X3 Albion Prelude Wiki

2.2 for Albion Prelude 3.1 - What's New
Albion Prelude 3.0 gave a better solution for turning the war off, so this has been implemented.
I have now got round to adapting the Albion Prelude plots to be compatible with this mod.
Plots available are:
  • Albion Prelude Plot and
  • AP PHQ Plot
  • OR Operation Loose Ends
  • Shady Business
  • Corporation Troubles
  • Breaking Grounds
The station reward for the PHQ/Operation Loose Ends plots is effectively an equipment dock, but it uses the Terran PHQ model - 18 Capital Ship docks, plus internal docking.There is an option for the war to be stopped before it starts, in which case The Albion Prelude Plot, AP PHQ Plot, Operation Loose Ends and Shady Business won't be available. If the war starts, you have the option of siding with either the Argon or Terrans, plot availability being dependent on choice.I'm unsure on what of scale the war will happen through turning it off and on again, but probably on a lesser scale than in vanilla AP.Your Race Rep will hit rock bottom with whoever you decide to side against. The 'War Effort' missions to raise rank during the Albion Prelude Plot work a little differently to the vanilla game.
Standard version - tc_plots_2.2a_ap_3.1
Immersive Environments - tc_plots_2.2a_ap_3.1_iex
Immersive Environments Maps for standard version - tc_plots_in_ap_iex_maps_1.0
Forum topic for installation and use instructions - Terran Conflict plots 2.2a for Albion Prelude 3.1
Sell Blueprints - sell_blueprints_ap_3.0
So, you've spent an eternity feeding the hub in order to start the PHQ plot.You've also spent endless game days reverse engineering all the rare ships, and now would like to build a wing of Advanced Mamba's, except you just started building the Aran, and now have to wait a further 4 1/2 days before you can even think about building anything else... Well here's the solution... Sell your blueprints to the shipyards, and let them build them for you.
Forum topic for installation and use instructions - Sell Blueprints

X3 Albion Prelude Review

Enhanced Blueprint Missions - enhanced_blueprints_1.5_ap_3.0
PreludeA modified version of the Generic Blueprint Mission for X3TC and Albion Prelude, that extends the range of blueprints offered for sale.
Forum topic for installation and use instructions - Enhanced Blueprint Missions

The Albion Prelude expansion to X3: Terran Conflict adds a healthy dose of war to the exploration and freeform space trading sim, along with 30 new ships and a dynamic stock exchange designed to liven up X3's commerce.

The tension between expansionist human colonists and the alien races that occupy the X universe has finally ignited, triggering a massive space war. X's hungry corporations are taking advantage of this to create new business, and there's plenty of room for a lone entrepreneurial trader to make millions.

That lone trader is one of a series of pre-made starting profiles that present differing angles on the conflict. You can sign up as a fighter in the army and play through a lengthy series of combat missions. You can become a well funded intelligence agent in charge of building fleets. You can become a space pirate desperately trying to scrape out a living in the face of pursuing law enforcement agents. In typical X style, from these jumping-off points, you can go anywhere and do anything you like.

This sounds much more glamorous than it actually is. The ambition of Albion Prelude is undermined by the tedium and plodding pace of every basic action. As a trader you'll be picking up goods from one part of the universe and selling them for a profit a few systems away. The new stock exchange function throws open much of the behind-the-scenes workings that drive X's economy, an excellent addition for those who want to play X as an absorbing galactic numbers game. But the act of docking, loading up and shifting your goods around to take advantage of a gap in the market takes so long that I often forgot what I was supposed to be doing by the time I reached my destination.

The space battles are much better, and act as a great showcase for the considerable graphical updates made by the expansion. Albion Prelude's combat ships aren't lithe enough to allow for proper dogfights, and there's not much depth to the action, but the spectacle and sheer volume of lasers involved makes the combat pilot a good way in for new players. The campaign objectives get repetitive quickly, however, and there's almost no guidance or tutorials to guide you round X's multi-layered interface.

When one battle went bad, I headed for the nearest stargate and deserted. “Sod this, I'll become a space pirate!” I thought. An hour later I found myself lost in the void, wading from system to system, still trying to find the first rung on the galactic trading ladder.

If you're willing to put up with the pace, Albion Prelude's simulation of a universe in turmoil provides the most dynamic and interesting sandbox yet presented by the X series. If interacting with it wasn't such a pain, Albion Prelude would be a tremendous achievement.