Chrome Frequently Visited Sites Not Showing

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Chrome Frequently Visited Sites Not Showing Average ratng: 4,5/5 9046 reviews
  1. Submission not showing up? Spot a spammer or a troll? Message #chrome. I kinda just sat there staring at the search bar wondering what to do. There are a few sites I would have never visited again without the thumbnails lol. Did the Chrome update and my my most visited thumbnails came back. But, BOY IS IT.
  2. FWIW I'm not sure when the 'most visited' starts repopulating after History is cleared. (Ditto for History's View By Most Visited.) As long as History is working I imagine it will start coming back eventually. This is why saving interesting or frequently used URLs in Favorites is a better plan than assuming they will always be present from History.

'no longer showing thumbnails. Where the thumbnails should be, there are icons for things like yahoo, facebook, you tube, Amazon and so forth.' Now you are write not only is the thumbnail gone but. Ice dragon vs waterfox 10.

Chrome Frequently Visited Sites Not Showing On Iphone

Reorganize thumbnails and delete sites from the Most Visited page in Google Chrome. The browser tracks all recently visited sites, so when you delete a site thumbnail from the Most Visited page, a new frequently visited site immediately replaces the deleted site. You cannot increase the number of thumbnails or manually edit the sites displayed on the Most Visited page.

Step 1

Open Chrome and then click the “New Tab” option on the top toolbar to open a New Tab page.

Step 2

Click the “Most Visited” link in the bottom right corner of the browser window to open the Most Visited page.

Step 3

Hover your mouse over the thumbnail to delete. The “X” appears on the thumbnail.

Click the “X” to delete the thumbnail from the page. The thumbnail is removed and the next most frequently visited site thumbnail appears in place of the deleted thumbnail. Continue this process until the only thumbnails left are those you want.


  • Drag and drop thumbnails in the Most Visited page to reorganize sites, as desired.


  • Google has removed the feature from Chrome that enables you to permanently save a site in the Most Visited page by “pinning” the site. Now, the Most Visited page is truly dynamic, displaying only the sites you have visited the most in the browser.

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Whenever I open a new tab in Google Chrome I see the Google search bar plus 8 thumbnails of recently visited (or most visited) sites. I never click on the thumbnails and find them to be annoying. Is there anyway to disable this in Chrome?

I can think of a hacky workaround like creating a blank page someplace and setting that to be the new tab page, but there must be a better way. Any ideas?


3 Answers


Since nobody answered I thought I would post and answer to my question:

Use the Empty New Tab Page extension for a new blank tab instead of the default new tab.

Turn Off Frequently Visited Sites

There are also some redirect extensions such as Momentum, which loads a different full screen image each day.


type chrome://flags then Disable 'Top Sites from Site Engagement'

Ipad Frequently Visited Sites


Chrome allows extensions to run on chrome:// urls so one such possible future solution is if AdBlock explicitly requests the permission to run on chrome://newtab then you can just block the div with id most-visited. But currently AdBlock does not request this permission.

You could edit the manifest of AdBlock manually to include this permission or suggest it as a future feature.

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