Fallout 4 Join All Factions

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Sep 26, 2017 - In Fallout 4, players are given the opportunity to join four different factions: The Minutemen, The Brotherhood of Steel, The Railroad, and The Institute. In this guide, we'll walk you through the benefits of every faction, as well as outlining the single best faction in Fallout 4. What's the Best Ending for Fallout 4: Far Harbor? Lucky Eddie is not that great a gun, nor is Far Harbor Survivalist a great Perk. What's the best reward? That's subjective, but you can indeed broker peace between the three factions, and get some useful perks and gear in the process: Tell DiMA you know about the Avery Incident - Keep all his.

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Fallout 4 Join All Factions

Everyone knows that Fallout 4's last big DLC will let you be a jerk, but now we finally have a sense of what kind of dick you can be. Judging by Bethesda’s description, the possibilities are exciting.

In the video above, Bethesda walks you through some of the big things you should know about Nuka World, including the different new areas and factions you can join. It honestly sounds like a post-apocalyptic Disneyworld, which is great.

According to Bethesda, the entire point of the DLC is to rule all the gangs within Nuka World. You can expect to pillage settlements and take whatever you want, though there will also be ways for players to be a “kind hearted raider,” Bethesda says.

Fallout 4 Join All Factions Mod

Fallout 4 Join All Factions

Nuka World has 3 gangs, each with their own preferred attack style and backstory. First you’ve got the Disciples...


Fallout 4 Join All Factions

They are the “classic, very bloody, very violent” gang, Bethesda says. Then you’ve got the Operators...

Fallout 4 Can I Join All Factions


Bethesda describes them as a stealthy gang with a penchant for good technology. Finally, you’ve got the Pack...


The Pack is wild and vicious, with Bethesda describing them as “absolutely crazy.”


The video also gives us a glimpse of the new weapons coming with the DLC, and man, that Nuka-powered Paddle Ball looks ridiculous. I’m looking forward to totally disappointing Preston Garvey very soon: