Nexus Mod Load Order

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Nexus Mod Load Order Average ratng: 3,8/5 8972 reviews

Soon however, I will be designing a new mod load order separate from his load order and the 11+ hour effective load order. This load order will incorporate The People of Skyrim: Reloaded. While Aleithian has TPOSR in the load order, the mod takes a lot on the system. It is essential to create a mod load order around TPOSR. Closing Statements. Gopher’s Nexus Mod Manager Tutorial (for new users) If you’d like to run a decent load of mods (50+), are currently experiencing problems with crashes or conflicts, or just want to try something new and more detailed, it may be time to switch to Mod Organizer.

  1. Nexus Mod Manager Export Load Order
  2. Nexus Mod Manager Load Order Stuck

Final Notes

This guide shows my personal tested load order that plays 11+ hours. This mod list is minimal, which makes it easy to start from. My list will not be updated on this guide or in its respective slot on the website.

Aleithian’s load order has been thoroughly tested by himself, the Skyrim reddit community and more. His mod load order is filled with many mods that can work together. If you want to go off his load order, remember that the mods that are italicized no longer are in the order of his. Remember as well that some mods may conflict and you must be mindful when choosing mods.

Nexus Mod Load Order

This guide and all the load orders are completely driven by Aleithian’s testing, the Skyrim modding reddit community and more. Soon however, I will be designing a new mod load order separate from his load order and the 11+ hour effective load order.

This load order will incorporate The People of Skyrim: Reloaded. While Aleithian has TPOSR in the load order, the mod takes a lot on the system. It is essential to create a mod load order around TPOSR.

Nexus Mod Manager Export Load Order

Closing Statements

I truly hope that this guide benefits all players who decide to use it. It doesn’t matter if you’re on PC, Xbox or PS4. I want to thank redditor Aleithian for providing me with the best help I have gotten to solidify the load order for this guide.

If you are ever in doubt about a mod, go to the Nexus Mods website and search the mod title. If the author has been around for a while, you’ll find his mod there. Usually on Nexus Mods, you can find a more detailed description of where to put mods in the load order. Hopefully with this guide, you will better understand some of the terminology. I want to thank the many mod authors who are actively at work to bring us some truly amazing content. Bethesda as always is fantastic as well.

One last bit that I want to leave you guys with is that I had the chance to speak with someone at Microsoft and found out through him and an Xbox representative that in the first quarter of 2017, between January and April, Microsoft and Xbox One plan to announce up to 15GB of mod space storage (at least) and it is possible that individual mods will be able to surpass 1 GB as well. Apparently they are developing a plan. If we speak up in forums as players and modders, we might be able to get more of what we want. Let’s contact and connect with Microsoft, Xbox One and Bethesda as much as we can so we can have a truly great experience.

Nexus Mod Manager Load Order Stuck

Despite the fact that that we’re hardly into a full month, we already have over 1,200 mods and counting. We will need this! Let me know if you would like me to make a website version of this and more about my experience of modding Skyrim. I wish you guys the best of luck on your load orders and Skyrim Journeys! If you need to reach me or want to connect, feel free to contact me via my socials below! Until next time, I will hopefully begin culminating my archery skills and joining the Dark Brotherhood!

Remember guys, the mods at the top of the screen are loaded last. They are considered lower in the mod load order. Some mods will say they require to be the lowest mod, or the bottom of the load order. On the other hand, mods at the bottom of the screen are loaded first. They are considered higher in the mod load order. Some mods will require to be the highest mod, or the top of the load order.


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