Fallout 2 Redding Quests

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Fallout 2 Guide to Sex in the Wasteland. It is possible to play through Fallout 2 with the explicit intent to find and partake in as much sex as possible. It is also possible to avoid everything except the speech bubbles and some conversational allusions to sex, so if you’re unsettled by sex in video games you can still enjoy Fallout 2. Walkthrough - FAQ/Walkthrough Walkthrough for Fallout 2 PC: Page 1Steves Guide to Fallout 2 (Warts n all!)(A Fallout 2 walkthrough)MK II - Last updated: 18th May, 2002I tried to base this guide on all the possible quests, things to find, and things to do in each location. Its more of a guide than a walkthrough, though it does contain detailed instructions for some of the tricky bits.

  1. Fallout 2 Redding Quests Guide
  2. Fallout 2 Redding Quests List
  3. The Den Fallout 2

Killap's Fallout 2 Restoration Project - Version 2.3.3 The purpose of this project is to add back into Fallout 2 all the missing content (locations, NPCs, quests, items, etc) that were pulled or left unfinished in the original game.

Aside of using perks, what can I do during the gameplay in order to change my primary statistics?

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2 Answers

Spoilers ahead:

Several of these enhancements require using a machine within a Brotherhood of Steel bunker in San Francisco. To gain access to this machine without killing anyone, complete 'Get the virtibird plans for the Brotherhood of Steel' quest. (And nab the Advanced Power Armor [+3 strength] and Blue Memory Module [+1 charisma] while you are doing it!) Make sure to give to the plans to the Brotherhood of Steel before the Shi, because the Shi will simply take the plans, where the Brotherhood will give you a copy!

All of these notes are disregarding gains through character creation, and through perks.

  • Strength +1 via surgery, +3-4 via armor

    1. A strength above 7 is usually unnecessary during character creation. This is primarily because you will eventually find power armor which increases your strength by +3-4 depending on the armor. The suits of power armor are as follows: T-51b Power ArmorAdvanced Power Armor, and Advanced Power Armor Mk II. You can also make Hardened Power Armor from T-51b Power Armor.

    2. As posted in the other answer, the Red Memory Module can increase your strength by +1 when used within the Brotherhood of Steel bunker in San Francisco with ACE. You can find this chip in the vault within Vault City. It is behind one of the doors which is jammed on the second floor, and if memory serves, you can get to it with a strength of 7 and a crowbar. (use the crowbar on the door)

    3. You can also use Buffout to temporarily increase your strength by two. This can be useful in several situations, like getting to the memory chip in Vault City, or defeating the super mutant in Broken Hills at an arm wrestling challenge.

    4. Jet will temporarily increase strength by +1.

  • Perception +1 via surgery

    1. The Green Memory Module can be used in the Brotherhood of Steel's San Francisco bunker to increase perception by +1. This chip can be found in the Military Base East of San Francisco and far West of NCR. It is on the third floor (you will need to repair the broken generator on the first floor) in a locker which is easily accessible without encountering any super mutants.

    2. Mentats will temporarily increase your perception by +2.

    3. Jet will temporarily increase perception by +1.

  • Endurance

    1. You can only permanently increase this via perks.

    2. You can temporarily increase endurance by +3 using Buffout.

  • Charisma +1 via surgery, +1 via item

    1. The Blue Memory Module can be used in the Brotherhood of Steel's San Francisco bunker to increase your charisma by +1. You can find this in Navarro, in the underground section, in a locker in the North West corner of the map. If I remember correctly, you need to be told about Navarro's existence before you can go there. Both Matt and Ron will give you a quest to go there.

    2. Mirrored Shades (when carried in an active item slot [the punch or kick slot]) will increase your charisma by +1. You can find these by digging up a grave in Golgotha, or by killing Mason who is a guard on the second floor of the Salvatores bar in New Reno.

      You can find Golgotha by either talking to Jules for long enough (you see him when you first enter New Reno), from Myron when you tell him to 'Wait here.' after he has joined your squad (he will offer you a favor, let him tell you about it, you can promptly ditch him afterwords), or by completing the first mission given to you by the Salvatores (where Mason is).

    3. Mentats will temporarily increase your charisma by +1.

  • Intelligence +1 via surgery, +1 via game story element

    1. The Yellow Memory Module can be used in the Brotherhood of Steel bunker in San Francisco to increase your intelligence by +1. The module can be found in the Sierra Army Depot which can be found by accepting the second quest from Orville Wright; 'Find a way into the Sierra Army Base'. You never have to actually complete this quest, it is just useful to get it so that you know where the base is. You must get this quest before becoming a made man with any other faction in New Reno, otherwise you will never get into the Sierra Army Depot.

    2. The Hubologist zeta scan in San Francisco can increase your intelligence by +1 and luck by +1. But, it can also simply decrease your luck by -1. So you may want to save first. Just let the 'celebrities who are not atall based on actual celebrities' give their speech (North end of the Hubologist compound which is found in the North East corner of San Francisco) and then talk to them about joining.

    3. Mentats will temporarily increase your intelligence by +2.

  • Agility

    1. This can only be permanently increased by perks. Every point of agility gives you 1 action point, so putting this to 10 (9 if you plan on eventually getting the perk) at the beginning of the game is a good way to go because having lots of action points is very useful.

    2. Buffout will temporarily increase agility by +2.

    3. Psycho will temporarily increase agility by +3.

  • Luck +1-2 via game story elements, +1 via game encounter

    1. The Hubologist zeta scan in NCR can increase your luck by +1 or +2. But, it can also simply decrease your luck by -1. You may want to save before taking it. You can find this Hubologist alone in a building in the center of NCR.

    2. The Hubologist zeta scan in San Francisco can increase your luck by +1 and intelligence by +1. But, it can also simply decrease your luck by -1. So you may want to save first. Just let the 'celebrities who are not atall based on actual celebrities' give their speech (North end of the Hubologist compound which is found in the North East corner of San Francisco) and then talk to them about joining.

    3. Finally, the Pariah dog can increase your luck by +1 if you kill it before it joins your party. This dog can only be found in a random encounter. If you fail a luck roll, he joins your party and you suffer a loss of -1 luck until you kill him. If you manage to kill him.

There is another way to boost your SPECIAL stats legitimately: (though it is basically a free cheat mode)

Upon completing the game (or at least the main quest) and arriving back in San Francisco having destroyed the Enclave Oil Rig, you can travel to New Reno and visit Father Tully. So long as he is conscious (he is often passed out; you can just rest a little and see if he wakes up), you can talk to him and get a little reward: The Fallout 2 Hintbook. 'Well, THIS would have been good to have at the beginning of the goddamn game.' Using this book will boost all of your stats and skills to their maximum values. And give you a boatload of experience. You can use the book over and over.

Perhaps the best walkthrough for Fallout 2 I have found, which includes all of these details and countless more: https://lemmings19.github.io/fallout-2-walkthrough/

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By using ACE in the Brotherhoods of steel bunker in San Francisco it's possible to install memory modules. These give various bonuses, for example the red module increases your strength permanently by 1.

  • Red Module: Strength
  • Yellow Module: Intelligence
  • Blue Module: Charisma
  • Green Module: Perception

In the NCR the Hubologists' zeta scan either raises your luck by +2 or lowers it permanently by -1. You need to be a bit lucky here (hah!) as the increase or decrease effect is random. You could semi-cheat by saving before the scan.

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Fallout 2 Redding Quests Guide

Fallout 2 Table of Contents Walkthrough

Table of Contents

  • Character creation
Rough Map
Notable Areas
  1. Downtown
    1. Ascorti's Ace
    2. Malamute Saloon
    3. Sheriff's Office
    4. Painless Doc Johnson's clinic
    5. Tenants/Houses
  2. Wannamingo Mine
  3. Mine Offices
    1. Last Gasp Saloon
    2. Morningstar Mine Offices
    3. Kokoweef Mine Offices
Notable Characters

Fallout 2 Redding Quests List

  1. Redding Townsfolk
  2. Mine Workers
  3. Ascorti, Mayor of Redding
  4. Athabaska Dick, mine worker addicted to Jet
  5. Dangerous Dan McGrew, he owns the Morningstar Mine
  6. Marge LeBarge, she owns the Kokoweef Mine
  7. Sheriff Marion, he assists Ascorti in running Redding
  8. 'Painless' Doc Johnson, Redding's Doctor
  9. Old Widow Rooney, she forgot to pay the lease for her house
  10. Lou, she owns the Malamute Saloon
  11. Obidiah Hakeswell, he cut the whore at the Malamute Saloon
  12. Frog Morton, a local gang member
  1. Buy the mine deed from Mayor Ascorti for $1000.
  2. Kill all of the alien creatures in the mine. Afterwards, sell the mine back for $2500.
  3. Help Widow Rooney pay off her rent.
  4. Break the fight at the Malamute saloon.
  5. Find the hooker who cut up the whore at the Malamute saloon.
  6. Kill Frog Morton and his minions.
  7. Sell the excavator chip that you find in the mine to Marge LeBarge.
Quest Experience/Reward Table
  • Pay off Widow Rooney's rent: 1500 xp
  • Break up the fight at the Malamute saloon: 1500 xp, $300
  • Kill all of the rats: 1340 kxp
  • Bring Hakeswell to justice: 1250 xp, $$500
  • Kill Frog Morton and his minions: 21755 kxp
  • Kill Frog Morton: 3000 xp, $1000
  • Kill the Wanamingos in the 1st mine level: 6870 kxp
  • Kill the Wanamingos in the 2nd mine level: 3000 kxp
  • Kill the critters in the eastern area of 2nd level: 2190 kxp
  • Kill the Wanamingos in the final area of the mines: 1000 kxp
  • Kill the Wanamingos in the mine: 3500 xp
  • Sell the deed to Ascorti: 1000 xp, $15500 profit
  • Sell the excavator chip: 2500 xp, $10000


Redding mines and exports ore for money. There are two main mining companies in the town - one supports the NCR whilst the other supports the Bishop crime family.


When you go into Redding, go to the left, and enter the Sheriff's office. Offer to help him, and he'll tell you to either kick out Widow Rooney or to pay for her rent. Go to her house (it's a bit to the southwest and has a brahmin pasture next to it), and talk to Widow Rooney. Tell her that you are going to pay off her rent ($120). She'll thank you and you'll get some experience. After you're done, go back to the Sheriff and ask for another quest. He'll tell you to break up a fight at the Malamute Saloon, which is a bit to the northwest from the Sheriff's office.

When you get to the Saloon, talk to the loud-mouth female who is fighting. Tell her to break up the fight, and then that you're looking for some target practice. Then take her off to jail. You can take both of the miners to jail, or the Kokoweef miner if you're siding with the Morningstar mine. After you've broken the fight, talk to the sheriff to get the money, experience, and a new quest.

It's your choice whether to support Dan McGrew or Marge LeBarge. I sided with LeBarge because she supports the NCR, while McGrew supports gangsters at New Reno. All of the rewards/experience values are the same regardless of which person to side with.

After you've gotten the new quest to find the hooker, go to the west side of Redding. Kill all of the rats there to get some easy experience before you undertake the Sheriff's quest. Also, while you're there, you can search around in the desks and shelves for a Scout Handbook, stimpacks, a rope, and some flares. There's a stick of dynamite in a corpse as well. Now, back to the quest.

The Den Fallout 2

Head to the main section of Redding and then go to the northern area of Redding (the pathway is between Ascorti's Ace and the Malamute Saloon). Once you are there, go to the entrance to the left of the Morningstar Mine (which is to the north end of the area). Talk to the man wearing a cap (description will include something about a fat belly), and he'll confess immediately that he cut up the hooker. Ask if he knows about the affair, and then ask about the mistake. He'll say that she made fun of his mother, and then tell him that he overreacted but that you're taking him to jail. Tell him that the jury will take everything into consideration. Then he'll say that he'll come by peacefully, and then take him into jail. The Sheriff will give you a new quest: kill Frog Morton.

Remember where you went to kill all of the rats? That's exactly where Frog and his gang are right now, and you won't face the rats (they can become quite a nuisance). Anyways, use the Combat Shotgun or the .44 Magnum, or you can even use the Super Sledgehammer that you might have gotten at Navarro to bring the gang to justice.

Frog has an H&K G11 Caseless Sub-Machine gun that can be pretty devastating. His guards and thugs have shotguns as well. Having Power Armor really helps in this area. Be sure to pick up the weapons from the corpses, especially the G11. Needless to say, Frog's gang has also rigged the mine area. Also, his three brothers will try to hunt you down (they can be found in random encounters). Go back to the Sheriff's office to receive your payment.

While you're there, go to Ascorti's Ace and talk to Mayor Ascorti. Ask him what does he do here, and then start to inquire about deeds. Ask about the Wanamingo Mine deed (it's where Frog and the rats were), and he'll mention that some alien creatures are in the mine. Buy the deed from him, save the game, and go back to where Frog was. Descend down the mine elevator.

Once you're in there, you'll see a white wanamingo. It has 220 hit points and is the toughest one that you'll face. Other wanamingos have either 120 or 160 hit points and rival some of the strongest creatures that you'll encounter. Even with your Power Armor, the fight will be quite difficult. Using targeted shots greatly helps (I hope you've been pumping up Small Guns or Melee...). The .44 aimed at the eyes works wonders on these guys. The Combat Shotgun isn't that bad, either, and the Super Sledgehammer is slightly better. The caseless gun that you found is just as good as the .44 as well. (By the way, don't burst with it.) Also, be sure to destroy the eggs in the entrance - that way, the Wanamingos will not reproduce.

There's also an excavator chip in a digger machine. Examine the machine to get the chip. The machine is pretty conspicuous, so it shouldn't be a problem for you to find the chip. After you've killed the wanamingos, go to the next floor of the mine via the ladder, and in the second level, go to the southeast to access a new area.

There are two excavator chips in the mine, but you can only sell one.

In this new area, there are two wanamingos and eleven rats. They shouldn't be too much trouble. Head south after you've cleared out the area. In this next (and final) part, there are two wanamingos a bit to the south and a bit to the left. After you've killed them, you should receive a fair amount of experience for killing all of the wanamingos. Head south, and climb the ladder to reach the downtown part of Redding.

Once you're there, go talk to Mayor Ascorti and sell the deed. You'll make $1500 in profits. Now, head to the same place where you caught the hooker, and this time, head to the Kokoweef mine office (it's the one to the right of Morningstar; the specific office is the one a bit to the north of the other Kokoweef office). Talk to Marge LeBarge, and sell her the excavator chip. Save, and head to Broken Hills. If you've got $5000 and Combat Armor, you can get the dermal implant operation at Andrew's clinic in Vault City. It's a good buy. (And it brings up the normal Advanced Power Armor up to Mark II specs for damage resistance.)

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